Our Environmental Policy
Our Environmental Policy
- We encourage environmental activities that are appropriate to our business, products, services, scale, and environmental impacts.
- We promote prevention of pollution and continual improvement of our environmental management system.
- We ensure compliance with relevant environmental legislation and other requirements and aim to improve our management in respect of our environmental obligations.
- To promote environmental preservation activities, we maintain an environmental management organization accessible to all divisions and employees.
- We are committed to achieving the following important environmental management assignments:
- To assure product environmental compliance we aim to promote product design that complies with each country’s latest environmental regulations.
- To minimize the environmental impact of our products we aim to assess product environmental impacts in research, development, and design, and promote both product design and product recycling technologies with reduced environmental impacts.
- We promote activities that contribute to environmental improvement as part of each division’s regular business.
- We aim to improve and maintain our environmental management system through scheduled environmental auditing.
- To promote environmental management within the whole company, we establish and periodically review environmental objectives, targets, and programs.
- We will disclose environmental information on environmental technology, material use, product development, and the status of environmental management in a form accessible to the public.