“PlayStation®2” & ”BROBA” Make High Quality Digital Content More Accessible to Users

Tokyo, December 11, 2001 – Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) and NTT Broadband Initiative Inc. (NTT-BB) announced today that they had entered into an agreement to provide broadband network services on the PlayStation®2 platform.

1. Purpose of alliance
Through this alliance, SCEI and NTT-BB aim to establish and promote new content distribution business on the broadband network. Beginning from April 2002, PlayStation 2 users on always-on network environment will be able to receive services made available by bringing SCEI’s rich source of high quality PlayStation® and PlayStation®2 game content and Dynamic Network Authentication System (DNAS), together with NTT-BB’s broadband service, “BROBA”, especially its Content Delivery Network (CDN) suitable for B Flet’s (FTTH) and Flet’s ADSL, and billing/collection platform.

2. Outline of the agreement
(1) SCEI and NTT-BB to provide PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games to users subscribing to B Flet’s or Flet’s ADSL services by NTT East Corporation and NTT West Corporation, utilizing NTT-BB’s broadband portal website, CDN and billing/collection system. (Refer to the attached chart for details.)

(2) SCEI to provide proprietary authentication and copy management system, Dynamic Network Authentication System (DNAS).

(3) NTT-BB to deliver broadband entertainment content and services to PlayStation 2 users.

(4) SCEI to supply Broadband Unit for PlayStation 2 (40 Gigabyte HDD and 100Mbit/sec Ethernet) to NTT-BB, which will be provided to users on a subscription fee basis.


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